Frequently Asked Questions


The Academic Resource Center (ARC) provides free online and in-person tutoring for a wide variety of subjects such as Chemistry, Computer Science, English, Math, Physics, Statistics, and writing for any course. 

You don't need an appointment to receive tutoring. All tutoring sessions are walk-ins.

Yes, we do offer group and one-on-one tutoring.

You should familiarize yourself with tutoring services from the beginning of the semester and try to see a tutor as soon as you received the first assignment from your instructor. You don't have to complete the assignment before seeing a tutor.

In addition to our campus-based, peer-to-peer tutoring that is provided by LAVC Online Tutoring, Los Angeles Valley College is happy to offer its students online tutoring through NetTutor, the company selected by the Foundation for California Community Colleges (FCCC) for the California Community Colleges (CCC) Online Education Initiative (OEI).

You can access NetTutor from an existing LAVC Canvas Course, students have access to most other subjects (e.g. English/Writing, ESL, FYE, Math, Statistics, Accounting, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Foreign Languages, Physics, etc). Students must be enrolled in a class that utilizes Canvas in order to access these additional subjects, and beginning March 30, 2020, students will have unlimited access to these subjects as well.

Connect to NetTutor

NetTutor Schedule

After your tutoring session, continue working on your own and apply the strategies you learned from your tutor. The ARC can provide more tutoring time for students with learning disabilities. You need to register with Student with Disabilities office in order to get the extra time. 

The Writing Center offers Paper Drop Off services where you can submit your paper and a tutor will then provide you with feedback. 

Students should bring their student I.D. card and everything related to the assignment, including the syllabus, the assignment, and any related notes and drafts, relevant texts, as well as any drafts the professor has commented on.

All visits to tutoring are confidential. However, students can show a tutoring session receipt to the professor as proof that they have been to the tutoring. Ask the lab supervisors for proof of attendanc

The service is FREE to Valley students.

A typical session lasts for 30 minutes. A student can set the focus of the session, such as working on sentence structure or a math problem. The student and the tutor can also discuss the assignment and work together to improve and develop their skills. Since our goal is to help students grow rather than just to improve a specific paper or solve a math problem, the tutor does not edit, proofread the paper, or solve the math problem but does provide the student with strategies on how to edit, proofread the assignment, and solve the math problem. 

All the tutors at the ARC are current students, undergraduate and graduate students. They have all demonstrated academic success as students

Tutoring is for all currently enrolled in LAVC. No matter what skill level you have, people can always become better in the subject matter, and tutoring is the place to start.